Yelp 101 | 20 February 2017

Yelp is an important site for small businesses. The Blue Sky Marketing team met with a Yelp expert who gave us tips on how to improve your Yelp Business Listing. Check out our tips below. Why Yelp? 74% of consumers look at review sites first when searching for a local business. And yes, you guessed it - Yelp is the most popular! Businesses who have a Yelp listing receive 129% more website visitors and 82% of people who visit Yelp have the intentions of purchasing something. The... Full Story

Key Takeaways from the Pew 2016 Social Media Update | 03 February 2017

The Pew Research Center has been measuring the ways in which Americans use social media to seek information and interact with humans and brands for about a decade. The most recent yearly report is an overall snapshot of social media platform usage trends as reported from a survey conducted of approximately 1,500 participants in spring 2015. Here are the key takeaways for marketers: Facebook is Still King – And Growing According to the report, Facebook is still the most popular... Full Story

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