Congratulations, Dialyspa, Healthcare Products/Services Marketer of the Year! | 19 March 2013

The American Marketing Association - Houston Chapter's Marketer of the Year awards show was yesterday evening, where the best of the best in various industries vied to be named Marketer of the Year. Best of Category winners were selected by peers in the Houston marketing community as well as a panel of expert judges, based on their marketing challenges, programs and results. We're proud to congratulate Dialyspa, Best of Category winner in Healthcare Products/Services, for... Full Story

Ten Online Video Stats in 2012 That Will Amaze You | 12 March 2013

Online video ad viewing increased dramatically in 2012, with audiences choosing to watch video ads 4.6 billion times, or about 13.2 million times every day. Records were broken by the likes of M&M's Superbowl Ms Brown or Kony 2012, with the former getting 85% of online views driven the ad's virality (not by paid ads) and the latter counting 41 millions video views in just one day. Online videos are effective for branding and can deliver your message on any platform and any scale,... Full Story

Get a Grip on Your 2013 SEO Strategy | 01 March 2013

Oh SEO, the glory and fall of many. Over the last couple of years, you must have heard enough about on-page optimization to feel sick, and I am sure you're still a little sore about that string of keywords that you perfected but no longer gets your website tons of traffic. The good news is Google's algorithms is vastly changing. Just take a look here at the lengthy list of Panda updates since its release in 2011. Note that in this post, we focus on Google's search engine algorithm,... Full Story

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Marketing Strategy Implemented Flawlessy, Blue Sky Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency providing strategic marketing consulting with a focus on proactive communication · and relationship-building.
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Danner's Security The Signorelli Company Newmark Homes Johnson Development Corp. Viridian: Master Planned Community